With everyone in attack surface management saying the same thing, how does a new company differentiate itself?

Creative Idea: 

Sevco needed a fresh approach to compete effectively. So we created an all-new way to position their innovative technology. We reframed their value proposition as 4-Dimensional Asset Intelligence. Our solution showcased their platform's end-to-end visibility (length), landscape-wide coverage (breadth), deep tech stack understanding (height), and real-time, continuous information (time). Delivering a new framework to describe platform features and benefits. Included in this rebranding effort were a new website and guerilla stunts at RSAC to launch 4D Asset intelligence.

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Sevco 0001 4d
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Sevco 0003 use cases

Launching 4D Asset Intelligence at RSAC

We created two guerrilla marketing stunts around the convention aimed at raising awareness. Each effort focused on a specific platform attribute.

The Power of 4D Asset Intelligence is Unleashed at Black Hat

4 D in LAS

New voice for the brand. 

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Sevco's 4D Asset Intelligence has been very well received and has succeeded in being a differentiator in the competitive asset management marketplace. Sevco has trademarked 4D Asset Intelligence as a proprietary process to reinforce this unique positioning statement. As we continue to raise awareness about the transformative benefits of this dynamic and multi-dimensional technology, its momentum will only grow. The industry's increasing recognition of the advantages offered by Sevco's 4D Asset Intelligence reinforces its position as a game-changing solution poised to revolutionize asset management practices.